Days Closed

We are only closed 7 days per year: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve(Closed at 2PM) and Christmas Day. Holidays are not exempt from your child’s regularly scheduled weekly tuition.

Operation Schedule

Bridges hours of operation are 7AM-6PM Monday through Friday. Your child must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. There is a late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m..

Nap Time

A rest period is required by the Department of Children and Families. A cot will be provided for each child. Please remember to bring a small blanket and a small pillow if needed. We also encourage you to bring your child’s favorite nap time warm fuzzy such as a teddy bear, and favorite blanket.

VPK Schedule

Our VPK Program follows Indian River County School District School Calendar.

health and safety

For the safety of your child you are required to sign in and out daily.  A sign in/out log will be at the entrance of the facility.  You are required to provide us with updated names and numbers of allowed persons to pick-up your child. They will be asked to provide us with the proper identification.

As a safety procedure we conduct fire drills on a monthly basis.

Each teacher is required to take daily attendance and documented head counts.

Our ratios are based on Department of Children and Families standards. Please refer to the “Know your Child Facility” brochure.

Should an accident occur you will be given an accident/incident report. Please sign report and give back to the teacher. You may request a copy.

It is a state requirement to provide medical records for each child. This includes immunization and physical records.

If your child is required to take medication you must fill out a medication form. All medications must be in original containers and labeled with your child’s name.

Students with head lice will be sent home and asked not to return until the child is lice-free.

For the health of all individuals, we will not accept a child with the following symptoms- vomiting, diarrhea, a temperature over 100 degrees, green, runny nose, rash, communicable disease, or constant cough.  If your child becomes ill while in our care, you will be notified immediately. Should he/she run fever, you must wait 24 hours before returning to the center. 

Discipline Policies

Our discipline policy at Bridges Early Learning Center is consistent with the age and needs of our children. We believe in using a positive approach using re-direction, direct and indirect praise, and logical consequences. This concept reinforces your child’s good feelings about his/her behavior. Physical punishment is never permitted at Bridges Early Learning Center by any persons.

On occasion your child may be asked to “take a break” or “time out.” In doing so, breaks last no longer than one minute for each year of your child’s age.

If your child is experiencing a change in home environment that may affect his/her behavior, please inform your child’s teacher or a member of management. Communication plays an important role in the success of your child. If any inappropriate behaviors are observed, we will inform you as well. We will work together to resolve any inappropriate behaviors. However, if it becomes necessary, Bridges does reserve the right to ask the parent to seek alternate care temporarily or permanently for their child.

returned check policiy

In the event that your check is returned to Bridges for non-payment, we will make up to two (2) subsequent attempts to collect from your checking account. Bridges ELC will charge a fee of $25.00 fee for all returned checks. If we are unable to collect, we will require a cashier’s check, money order, or other suitable means of payment for the returned check and applicable fees. If there are repeated instances of returned checks, you will be required to pay with a cashier’s check, money order, or other acceptable payment option on an ongoing basis.  If payments are not received within a reasonable time, then it will be necessary to turn your account over to collections.
