
A School-Ager is a child who attends Elementary school up to 5th grade. We offer a drop off (before school) and pick up (after school) service for you and your child. 

Schools on our route:

  • Rosewood Magnet
  • Imagine South
  • Vero Beach Elementary
  • Citrus Elementary
  • Glendale Elemenaty


Before AND After Care


Drop Off Before: 7:45AM (Bus leaves at 8AM)


Either Before OR After care


Registration fee:

A non-refundable annual registration fee of $150 is payable upon enrollment and a supply fee of $35.00. Families with more than one child enrolled pay a family enrollment fee of $200 per year and also receive a 10% sibling discount on tuition. Once registered, your tuition will be automatically billed and withdrawn weekly (through our Smartcare billing software). After 100 days, you are eligible to take 1 week vacation from your tuition.

Become a cool School-Ager!


On days when public schools are closed, our School Agers are guaranteed a spot in our day program.  Please speak with our office for daily and weekly pricing.


After getting in from Elementary school, the children are served a nutritious snack. If you are dropping off before school, your child will be served a warm breakfast.


After snack time, our School-Agers get individualized homework help (if needed).


At the end of the school day our School-Agers get to play and release some energy on the playgrounds.